Saturday, 3 August 2013

My Writer's Block

When I was doing a summer camp over the holidays, we had to write a little bit every day. And the teacher told us that if we couldn't write anything, we should just keep writing this: I have writer's block. I have writer's block. I have writer's block.
That's what I was planning on doing today.
But, of course, if you know me, I won't settle for just any boring old entry, so, today I'm blogging about cool YouTube videos, and blogs to visit!
So, the YouTube videos. Well, I was browsing the web the other day, when I came across a really cool vid about how the famous singers, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez broke up. Though I'm not that interested in celebrity life, the video was really funny and made me laugh. So if you like the earlier mentioned artists or One Direction, you'll adore this video: . BEWARE: Slight censored profanity- occurs once.
And the blogs? Well, my mother's blog- yes, I have a mother, for you sharp yet stupid wits- is pretty amazing. Keep it up, Mama! She's got reviews on loads of restaurants and even an interview with the famous Guy Savoy! So if you're interested in tongue-in-cheek recounts of past events and awesome restaurants, check this out! .
An inordinately short post, but it'll have to do for now. Until next time.....