I’m going through something of a weird patch at the moment.
I began work on my first book Elimante the Impossible in March 2007 and it was published just under a year later.
Then in 2009, 2010 and 2011 I have brought out books. 2012 will be the first
year that I have not brought out a book since I started and it feels odd.
What shall I do next?
It’s not as if I've given up writing in 2012. If you look at my bibliography you will see that I have written five articles (all of which were published)
and have edited the book of another author. I have today completed the first
draft of an article that I really hope will make it into the Sherlock Holmes Journal in 2013. So I've not been idle.
Yet I do feel a little lazy. True, I have started work on
another book but I have not touched it for months. Perhaps I just needed a year
off the book writing treadmill or is it that my blog has consumed more of my
time than it should? Who knows?
2013 is shaping up to be a very busy year outside of Sherlockiana. Let’s just hope
it leaves me time to make it to book number five. Five is my lucky number after