Friday, 28 December 2012

Writer’s Block?

have writer’s block? Or something. I dunno.
I know vaguely what I want to do for the next scene or two, but I can’t actually think of what to have the character say. Or like, what would be interesting? Or something? Bah. I’ll draw the next scene when I can figure that out. In the mean time, I’m still working on that program for the dojo.
JDBC:Derby is bullshit. The Date/Time data types rely on deprecated objects, which is mildly annoying. Because of it, I figure the entirety of the Java world can’t be relying on Derby, but so far everything I’ve found referencing databases in Java all point to Derby (or some godawfulgiganticnetworkdatabasething which is well beyond the scope of my little program.)
Christ, I wish everyone would get on the same page when it comes to programming.

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Writers Block

Been going through a phase of writers block, haven't been able to write like I used to for a while. Feels like everything I have to say is too short for a post. I blame twitter's word count :p makes you compromise what you want to say to have it fit. I'm going to flat out say it.. this sucks. Feels like your brain is letting you down when you have a lot to say. Everything unsaid is what needs to be heard the most. Tell me my lovely readers, does anyone have any advice to get over writers block? 

Friday, 21 December 2012

Writer’s Block and Publishing.

I try real hard to come up with zany blog posts to entertain you all, but then it hits: Writer’s Block!

I seem to write in spurts, full of ideas, high creativity level, and then-BOOM! It hits and I got nothing!

It is important to me, whether I publish or not, to write something everyday, it seems most days to fuel my creativity, but today is not that day.

I struggle with whether to publish everyday or even every other day.

I do publish often, will people get sick of me if I publish every day?

Who just said that there already sick of me?  I’ ll kick your ….promised my husband I’d stop swearing so much…you get the idea!

Oh, Mr. Wise guy in the corner who would like to see me try it, seriously I am gonna kick your ass! (Sorry, hubby was provoked.)

Where was I?

Ah..yeah.. the joys of writer’s block and wondering if I should post whenever I have material.

Gonna go for whenever I feel like it! How does that sound?

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Writer’s Block?

Writer’s Block aka The Enemy.  Does it truly exist, and if so how do we defeat it?
Currently I think I’m having a writer’s block of sorts, or maybe a creativity block would be a better term.  It’s as if writing, editing, revising and eventually completing my first manuscript has drained the life out of me.  I can’t write.  I ‘m having the hardest time coming up with new story ideas as well as finishing my WIPs (work-in-progress).
Any advice? What do you do to come up with new story ideas and/or to motivate yourself to finish WIPs?
Whimsically Yours,
^if you ever need a laugh this should do the trick :) 
P.P.S. Check back tomorrow for The Weekly Fashionista: Holiday Edition

Monday, 17 December 2012

Writer's Block

I'm sure you guys have noticed lately that my posts are just a flood of reviews. And I keep using the excuse that I'm busy to justify my absence. Heck, I even cleaned my garage and unpacked boxes that were still around from when we moved in, in an effort to avoid blogging. But even though being busy with Mr. H's show for a while and gearing up for the holidays has kept me away, that's not the whole truth. Truth is, I've been majorly avoiding sharing personal stuff on here lately because I've been afraid that a lot of it would come out angry and mean. The past few months have been a landslide of stress for me, and it's not something that I can pinpoint specifically, though there are several sources that have contributed to the problem.

So, blame it on mommy guilt, blame it on whatever...but the bottom line is that I've been keeping to myself to spare you guys the bitchy, self-pity filled, foot-in-my-mouth type posts that would have been born of my constant frustrations while I worked through stuff. And I'm not quite there yet, but I'm finally in a place where the emotions aren't so raw and I feel open to sharing my struggles with others. I mean, what's the point of even having a blog if you're not going to use it to get out the things that you actually feel need said? So it's back to the metaphorical grind for me in the blogging world, but don't expect the same reviewy, forced writing you've been getting out of me for the past however long.

I promise that you'll be reading A LOT less reviews on the blog from now on. Though I love trying new stuff and getting to introduce it to y'all, review blogging has started to feel more chore-y and less fun lately. In light of that, from here on out I'll be reviewing only books and brands that I really, actually, 100% care about supporting. I can also promise that I will try hard to stop censoring so much of what I'd really like to be writing about. Writing has always been super cathartic to me, but I find that blogging is difficult because you have to be willing to open up a side of yourself and share it with the world in a way that is so public that it's a tad scary. All that being said, hopefully this will make the blog a better place going forward. I'd love to earn readership based on mutual respect and shared learning (especially with regard to parenting) rather than a random giveaway I hosted. Not that there's anything wrong with giveaways, since I love free stuff as much as the next person, but you know what I mean...
In parting, I'm going to drop a quote from Supernatural on y'all that I'll try to keep in mind myself more as I work my way back to a happier me: "Decide to be fine till the end of the week. Make yourself smile. Because you're alive, and that's your job. Then do it again the next week. Do it right, with a smile, or don't do it." Thanks, Frank Devereaux, for sharing your wisdom. ;)

Sunday, 16 December 2012

In Which I Have Writers’ Block

Some people don’t believe in it, other people suffer something chronic – it’s one of those much-debated Tricky Subjects. Is it an urban myth/a conspiracy theory/a convenient excuse for laziness…? People seem to view it as the creative writing version of the lough ness monster or the celestine prophecy or holocaust-denial. Obviously, all of these things are just plain wrong – only an idiot or a psycopath would actually believe in them. So surely the same applies to writer’s block?

I didn’t believe in it. It seemed completely irrational to me that twenty-first century writers could be afflicted with such a strange, Victorian-sounding condition … but then I started working for the Open University and was blessed with the benefit of their excellent literature on creative writing and I realised that writer’s block doesn’t just exist… I have it. I’ve had it for several years.

The thing is that writer’s block is not what you might expect. It’s not a literary form of constipation in which you’re seated at your desk trying to squeeze a tiny word out – actually, when you have writer’s block it may be that you are writing heaps and heaps of material. The thing is that the creative process is being stunted – it is the process of moving “straight from creation to punitive judgement”, it is a “system of ferocious self-cancellation” (p. 30). Really, looking back, my experience on the QUB creative writing MA probably didn’t help as I was surrounded by older, more experienced writers who would happily attack my work like a pack of wolves given half a chance – not that the work didn’t probably deserve it but it really felt pretty vicious. Still, perhaps it will have turned out to be little more than an over-zealous pruning and my future growth will be accelerated – anyway that was 2004, let’s face it, I’ve had a bit of time to get over it. 

Anyway, now that I’ve had an epiphany and realised that writer’s block does exist and that I’ve had it; more importantly now that I know what it is. I can move on and make a start with the rest of my career. The key is, I need to make sure that I separate the critic from the creative when I’m writing. I need to give my work a little bit of room to grow. And I need not to worry too much what other people will think of it. I’ll begin by writing for me and I’ll aim to write only work that I am proud of. It’s a liberating feeling! I’ll let you know how I get on. 

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Saturday, 15 December 2012

a bad case of writer’s block

I’ve been fighting a bad case of writer’s block lately – my writing for work has been a struggle from start to finish; my attempts to write for this blog have been so futile that yesterday I resorted to posting a piece that Thought Catalog rejected – and, as I’m wont to do when I’m fighting writer’s block, I’m feeling down.

Work today really took it out of me, so on my way home I called my friend Tony, who recently moved from LA to the ATL. I was loathe to prove his observation that his friends from L.A. only call him on their commutes correct, but I wanted to talk to him about how he deals with creativity droughts. He’s a musical composer and pretty damn good writer to boot, so I was curious if he had any tricks I could use to get inspired again.

Basically, I wanted the easy way out.

He didn’t have any tricks, but what he said was helpful. He said that when creative people go through a dry spell, there’s this fear – a fear that this is it, that the creativity is never going to come back. That lethargy can be so overwhelming that it feels useless to even try to do anything else, let alone power through the creative block. And when I get to that point, the easiest thing to do is to just feel bad about myself.

Creatives, huh?

But it was nice to hear another person who’s experienced the same thing express some solidarity. Part of the reason I’m so bleh is because I’ve fallen into a sort of routine lately, which has put a damper on my inspiration. I have a rule of writing about my experience, but if my experience is the same, day in and day out, of course I’m going to run out of interesting things to write about. Tony suggested a change of scenery, and I agree.

That’s why, effective immediately, I’m moving from my desk to my couch.

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Friday, 14 December 2012

Writers block

And i have had writers block for I while now,
that's why I have been so inconsistent.
If you have any fashion or lifestyle related event,
Or blog you would like me to feature, send me an email.
hope to get 'unblocked' soon.
Also i would like to write a guest feature on your blog.
That might help.


Thursday, 13 December 2012

Writer’s Block

Type a Sentence, Backspace the sentence. Pause, and make an attempt to assemble some coherence. No coherence. Writer’s block I have, words I have not. According to Wikipedia (citation needed), writer’s block can result from “physical illness, depression, the end of a relationship, financial pressures, and a sense of failure.” But a few paragraph’s down, Wikipedia tells me (and maybe you, too if you read the page) that writer’s block might actually be from a switch in control to the limbic system (flight or fight!) from the cerebral cortex (Van Gogh!).

As the calendar marches onward to the dead of winter, I lose my proverbial voice. The brain in my head gets muddled down and arduously slow, and productivity seems illusory. Oh but this Summer! The fluency was not slow enough and the words flowed so sweetly. Why, dear readers, when I’m still me, the same person I’ve been, can’t I maintain an ease with words? I’ll tell you, although it’s somewhat of a dreadful story.

Well the winter days are a burden and the heart feels faint; the bleakness of winter is hardly bearable each and every year.

On one end Manic; Depression on the other

And the spectrum bounces endlessly so, each winter I wonder why I bother with life, and each spring I remember. I suppose I do have a blessing in knowing what to expect of this, but I can assure you, that does not make it easy. A jail sentence completed 1/2 of the year is still an awful six months of looking through the bars and wondering if you’ll ever see daylight again.

Oh, I know I’m dramatic, but that’s all a part of the fun! What use is a mood if it doesn’t make you feel? Tragedy! Drama! Romance! Is that not life? I suppose I’ve been cursed with an exceptional capacity to feel the pains and purities of my own existence in a world so large, and it is cursed. Cursed on the months that I cannot articulate. Cursed on the days I spend unable to see the sunlight, and cursed on the tears that I cannot keep in. But beautiful are the moments of gratitude that swell in my chest and heat up the blood in my veins, and beautiful are the face of the people my eyes wander across, and beautiful are the words that flow from my mind to my lips on the days I can speak.
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Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Thank You Thesis--I Now Have Writer's Block. T.T

Analytic paper and a creative mind don't play well together. The result--writer's block. Hate times like this. The semester can't end soon enough. Redhead out again. Later.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Writers Block

Something I wrote a few months back. The agony of the block :(
Writing is something I’ve always done for fun. I express myself really well when I put pen to paper. I involved myself in many writing activities. Press club, Secretary to different societies and to think I wrote a story book even though it never saw the light of day.
I’ve never considered my writing to be so awesome or even worthy of any praises. You can imagine my surprise when I started blogging. For fun too. I always had a personal blog that I just typed and stored on my computer because I thought why in the world will anyone want to read what I have in my head. I went ahead to post my thoughts online anyways and the responses I got were beyond overwhelming.
I know many writers whom I envy for their writing skill – an awesome talent. Some of them praise me for my work too but I beg to differ. When some of them stop writing for a while and leave me wanting to read more of their work, I hit them up and ask them the reason behind the break in transmission. Writer’s block was always the culprit.
I always thought Writer’s block was a myth. Why will somebody have a skill that has to go on and off? It just doesn’t add up. You can say things like “I’m out of ideas” or “I’ve just been plain lazy” or “I don’t have time” or “I’ve run out of ink” not “Writer’s block”
Writer’s block doesn’t exist.
Or So I thought.
Not Until It hit me.
I just couldn’t get my thoughts together. I had so many ideas dancing in my head but I just couldn’t organise the ideas in my head, put them down and transform them into awesome pieces. The ultimate struggle; Getting ideas from my head to paper.
Even when I was able to put something down, it always turned out drab and below par. Maybe I didn’t have writers block. I was just trying to keep up with expectation. Still am.
I suffered a bout of depression and according to what I looked up on the internet, depression is a good period in time to be a writer because you have many thoughts and ideas.
Truly; I had many thoughts and ideas going and coming but I just couldn’t write the down. The block is REAL.
What did I do about it?
I met my friends who had gone through the same process and one particular friend was really keen on helping me get through it. We had exercises and games which helped me a great deal but the effect didn’t last long and now its back. Like a relapsing fever.
Many great writers in history have gone through writer’s block while some were able to come out of it and write some more great books/pieces, Some others? Not so much.
I just hope this Writer’s block, as real as it can get, does not deprive me of my favorite past time.

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Monday, 10 December 2012

This Blank Feeling…

I don’t know what to do.

This feeling is weird. I’ve had it for a long while, but it’s only now that I have fully realised the gravity of the situation. It’s bad… It’s really bad… and I don’t know what to do about it.

I feel blank.

Completely and utterly blank.

This blankness feels strange in me. It is like I’m some sort of robot that can’t think any creative thoughts. My mind feels disconnected from the being that has been giving me creative input all this time.

It’s not your typical writer’s block. Writer’s block is an excuse for not being able to write. It usually stems from the frustrating feeling that whatever you write is not going to be perfect, or from where an idea simply does not want to form on the piece of paper.

I don’t know what it is, but I don’t have a single idea in my head. It’s almost like I’m on auto-pilot and some part of me is controlling what I’m doing and I am merely watching this all unfold in front of my eyes. It’s horrific!

Maybe I am making up excuses in order not to write, but when I try to think of an idea, it feels like I’m hitting a wall. I need to tear this wall down! It’s blocking my creative flow and preventing me from reaching my awesome state of creative nirvana. If I don’t do something about it, then I might die horribly, but mostly emotionally, from not being able to mix words and thoughts together to share my message to the people of a great story.

What if story ideas did come from little elves? That would actually explain a lot of my life if it happened to be like that. Where is my elf or muse or daemon or creative spirit? I want my juices and I want it now! I want to feel energy flow from my finger tips on to the keyboard that digitally inscribes my words of storytelling onto the white digital piece of ethereal paper.

Oh wait…

I think my daemon has come back. He floated in from the window. I wonder where he has been. Does he know the suffering that he has put me under? Oh well, that doesn’t matter right now. What’s important is that he is back and ready to work…

…because I can feel an idea coming on.

How do you deal with your creative dilemmas? What methods do you use to get yourself writing again? Please tell me. I would like to know. Sharing knowledge is the best way to beat a universal problem.


Sunday, 9 December 2012

Writers Block Continued..

Hello guys!! :) 
So I’ve just noticed I haven’t blogged anything in 15 days! SHOCKING! This writers block is really getting comfortable this time :( I suppose I haven’t been making much effort to work my brain so hopefully soon I’ll have some new posts for you :) 
Any suggestions for this horrible writers block will be appreciated! hehe..
Have a good weekend guys.


Saturday, 8 December 2012

I don’t believe in writer’s block, but I think I’ve got it

I haven’t written anything in ages.
I know, I hear you say kind reader, if you’ve been bothering to come back to this site, (which is awfully patient of you).
I have tried.
There are several half-started posts sitting in the drafts box on a variety of topics from neglected regional newspapers to badly behaved children. But none are finished.
Yet I’ve been writing every day for almost 20 years. From local news to gardening and parenting articles, PR guff and copywriting, university lectures and reports, and of course, blogposts.
Ours is a house of writing. Two journalists. No escape.
Articles are written with ruthless efficiency. 1,500 words in a couple of hours? Easy.
But then I stopped.
Firstly too busy. I had a 9,000 word essay to write, which wasn’t journalism and was bloody hard. I’m still not sure it was right.
Then I was too backlogged with the amount unwritten.
More procrastination.
Then I just couldn’t.
Then felt depressed I couldn’t. “Don’t be stupid Hilary, just write a bloody post,” said the voice of my sleepless nights.
Still nothing. Blank screen.
Before the ‘block’ I lost a long term weekly writing contract (this was some months ago), without any real notice, explanation or actual final date.
I suspect it’s had a deeper effect than just the initial anger and disappointment, especially as it was left hanging so I couldn’t offer my services elsewhere.
Whatever the cause, my previous skepticism of writers’ block is cancelled.
It’s taken nine days to write this tiny blog post . . . and it sounds a bit whingey.

Friday, 7 December 2012

Writer’s Block

This is the page that every WordPress blogger faces when it’s time for a new post. Well usually there’s more light but it’s been raining in Southern California, an anomaly that sends the people running indoors. We don’t know what to do, the sun has disappeared. It’s not December 12 yet, it can’t be the end!

But I digress. This is the “new blank page.” It’s just not as romantic as the notion of a typewriter with an actual blank page sitting in it, staring, taunting, waiting for the writer to strike the keys and produce something new and exciting in bold black and white. For a hundred years writers stared at that. Although differing reports, one such entry in Wikipedia lists the typewriter as being invented by Italian Pellegrino Turri in 1801 for his blind lover Countess Carolina Fantoni da Fivizzono. He also invented carbon paper which seems like a cruel joke because she would get black stuff all over fingers, then wipe it on her face and not know it. Unfortunately he didn’t invent Pellegrino water which she could have used to get the stains out. That was already discovered in San Pellegrino and already being drunk.

So writers have been staring at a typewriter before there was even electricity, the candlelight casting shadows that probably formed faces in the writer’s tired brain telling her how much talent she did not have and telling her to stop trying to be a writer and go get married. No one wants to read your depressing poetry.
But what of the ones that could not afford this new invention. From my school years, I remember reading about Abraham Lincoln, studying and learning by candlelight, his pen and quill staring at him while he re-worked what would become the Gettysburg address long before he even gave that speech and it was just called “This Is Probably How Things Should Go Down.”

And what of the great philosophers in History hundreds of years before that, staring at their blank stone and chisel waiting to carve out some really great, simple sayings like “What concerns me is not the way things are, but rather the way people think things are.”  Epictetus etched that in stone somewhere between 55 and 135 AD and still people don’t put that to use as evidenced by this year’s biggest news items. But nobody’s really that big on the Ten Commandments either so hopefully he’s not lamenting that in Heaven.

So what does it matter? What does it matter if I leave it blank today? With our modern computers, my frustration at the blank page is quickly aborted with a new tab showing the number one downloaded video of Gangnam Style and I can learn a new dance. Or go look at cat pictures on Facebook. Is my blog really having any impact, either humorous or inspirational or is it simply Blah Blah Blah instead of Blogging.

I don’t know, but I do know that I have learned over the past three years that I love to write and I want to continue. It brings me so much joy that it has to be coming from a good place. So I will stare at this computer screen until I come up with something. I’ll get back to you.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Writer’s Block and Crossroads

These past few weeks, I have had severe writer’s block — not only with creative writing, but also with my school assignments.
You see, in August, I decided to pursue my Masters of Business Administration degree. Why?
I am not sure.

At that time, I thought I was possibly returning to Nepal with a non-profit organization and using this experience to take my degree and my professional life to another level. Well, things changed and I did not find the funds to go to Nepal. On top of that, some other things fell apart and now I am left standing in the middle of the path wondering how to finish this semester’s assignments.
No, this post isn’t about my assignments.

It is about my life — and how once again I am finding myself at a crossroad of dreams. It is about how I am constantly reminded of my past and the broken dreams that exist there. It is about a weary and broken heart just simply longing for a new season.

However, all I really want to do, seriously, is just go for a nice long hike in a forest somewhere and get some fresh air – for a long time.

Or just back pack through Europe for 6 months or longer.

As I sit here, I am not sure what to write next – the writer’s block is still hindering me. There are some decisions that I must make and soon. Some dreams will have to be sacrificed so that other dreams can leave. This is the duality of human nature.

This is the paradox of life.

Until next time….

Wednesday, 5 December 2012


For a year now I've been suffering from writer's block. Every time I've tried to write something to publish, there has been a serious blackout and a tabula rasa has stayed as tabula rasa. I've been trying to find out the reasons for my writer's block and here's some thoughts: 

Writing a blog with hundreds of readers little by little started to feel like an obligation. I didn't want my (old Plastic Bag) blog to be just another lifestyle blog with boring "what I did today" -posts. I guess one of the reasons why my blog got so popular at the first place was because it stood out with the "different and funny" things I made. But inventing funny and clever stuff all the time can be difficult especially because I was going through very hard times in my personal life.

So finally I decided to finish my Plastic Bag -blog and start a new blog that I wouldn't have to update regularly, more like a homepage for my works. Somehow that soon started to bore me as well. I'm too restless person for having just a DIY-blog, music blog, fashion blog etc. I have too much stuff in my head that just doesn't fit under my art/ DIY stuff -section and no place where to share it, because Facebook isn't the right place all that kind of shit. What to do?

I asked advice from my boyfriend and he said "don't think too much, just do it" and "try to imagine that the text you write is just another pig's nose you make". (Pushing his nose to make it look like a pig's is my huge passion btw).

Anyway, I'm not sure what's the main point behind this text. Maybe this is the first pig's nose text I'm writing or something. This is also a great moment to thank the readers who are still following me, even if I've been quite boring blogger lately. If you have any advices for writer's block or submissions for me as a blogger, I'm listening.

Have a peaceful autumn!

Ps. I want this!

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Some Nights Sounds Like The Lion King.

Wow. Serious case of writer’s block going on right now. And I have “Some Nights” by Fun. stuck in my head. In case you were wondering what that looks like in type, here you go:

sdlksddslks lksdlk lksdsk lsfdlkksdlk klsdfl lsdlksdsdklsddssdsd

You’re welcome.
Maybe I’ll try this again tomorrow (it’s like a “thing”) and see if I can come up with … well, anything.
Have a good night, everyone.

Monday, 3 December 2012

writer’s block

I have sat down everyday this week and attempted to write something on here.  I’ll type out a paragraph and then delete it, usually for one of two reasons:  1) too mom-ish, and 2) too depressing.  Now, I know those two categories pretty much define every single post I’ve written, at least in the past six months, but I am really making an effort to branch out some.  Hence the lack of posting.

I kind of feel like I’ve boxed myself in a little bit, writing-wise.  And I guess that is ok, I mean, I enjoy writing about the highs and lows of motherhood/womanhood.  Living and working at a Christian college doesn’t help much either with the boxed in feeling.  I absolutely love it, but let’s face it.  You can only use four letter words and talk about nipples so much before someone gets their panties in a wad.  I’m sure panties will be wadded just over that statement.  Three cheers for wadded up panties!

Maybe it’s time to start writing that book I’ve always wanted to write.


Sunday, 2 December 2012

writers block

I think I’m suffering from writers block. I’ve got 3 drafts backed up and I keep finding new things to write about, but I struggle to put into words what I want to say. I also seem to be lacking enthusiasm at the moment.
Have any of you other bloggers suffered from writers block and/or lack of enthusiasm? Hints and tips to get over this would be appreciated.

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Saturday, 1 December 2012


yeah, you haven’t heard from me in a while. i have been seriously out of ideas and it just occured to me that i just might be experiencing my first writers block. Prior to owning a blog i thought i could never run out of ideas to post but right now, i aint so sure anymore. So please i need a favour from all you blogger s out there, please how do i deal with this? how do i overcome this writers block? whatt is your special therapy in overcoming writers block? looking forward to your reply, thanks always.
i  remain Danny Smile on