Thursday, 6 December 2012

Writer’s Block and Crossroads

These past few weeks, I have had severe writer’s block — not only with creative writing, but also with my school assignments.
You see, in August, I decided to pursue my Masters of Business Administration degree. Why?
I am not sure.

At that time, I thought I was possibly returning to Nepal with a non-profit organization and using this experience to take my degree and my professional life to another level. Well, things changed and I did not find the funds to go to Nepal. On top of that, some other things fell apart and now I am left standing in the middle of the path wondering how to finish this semester’s assignments.
No, this post isn’t about my assignments.

It is about my life — and how once again I am finding myself at a crossroad of dreams. It is about how I am constantly reminded of my past and the broken dreams that exist there. It is about a weary and broken heart just simply longing for a new season.

However, all I really want to do, seriously, is just go for a nice long hike in a forest somewhere and get some fresh air – for a long time.

Or just back pack through Europe for 6 months or longer.

As I sit here, I am not sure what to write next – the writer’s block is still hindering me. There are some decisions that I must make and soon. Some dreams will have to be sacrificed so that other dreams can leave. This is the duality of human nature.

This is the paradox of life.

Until next time….