Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Writers Block

Something I wrote a few months back. The agony of the block :(
Writing is something I’ve always done for fun. I express myself really well when I put pen to paper. I involved myself in many writing activities. Press club, Secretary to different societies and to think I wrote a story book even though it never saw the light of day.
I’ve never considered my writing to be so awesome or even worthy of any praises. You can imagine my surprise when I started blogging. For fun too. I always had a personal blog that I just typed and stored on my computer because I thought why in the world will anyone want to read what I have in my head. I went ahead to post my thoughts online anyways and the responses I got were beyond overwhelming.
I know many writers whom I envy for their writing skill – an awesome talent. Some of them praise me for my work too but I beg to differ. When some of them stop writing for a while and leave me wanting to read more of their work, I hit them up and ask them the reason behind the break in transmission. Writer’s block was always the culprit.
I always thought Writer’s block was a myth. Why will somebody have a skill that has to go on and off? It just doesn’t add up. You can say things like “I’m out of ideas” or “I’ve just been plain lazy” or “I don’t have time” or “I’ve run out of ink” not “Writer’s block”
Writer’s block doesn’t exist.
Or So I thought.
Not Until It hit me.
I just couldn’t get my thoughts together. I had so many ideas dancing in my head but I just couldn’t organise the ideas in my head, put them down and transform them into awesome pieces. The ultimate struggle; Getting ideas from my head to paper.
Even when I was able to put something down, it always turned out drab and below par. Maybe I didn’t have writers block. I was just trying to keep up with expectation. Still am.
I suffered a bout of depression and according to what I looked up on the internet, depression is a good period in time to be a writer because you have many thoughts and ideas.
Truly; I had many thoughts and ideas going and coming but I just couldn’t write the down. The block is REAL.
What did I do about it?
I met my friends who had gone through the same process and one particular friend was really keen on helping me get through it. We had exercises and games which helped me a great deal but the effect didn’t last long and now its back. Like a relapsing fever.
Many great writers in history have gone through writer’s block while some were able to come out of it and write some more great books/pieces, Some others? Not so much.
I just hope this Writer’s block, as real as it can get, does not deprive me of my favorite past time.

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