Friday, 21 December 2012

Writer’s Block and Publishing.

I try real hard to come up with zany blog posts to entertain you all, but then it hits: Writer’s Block!

I seem to write in spurts, full of ideas, high creativity level, and then-BOOM! It hits and I got nothing!

It is important to me, whether I publish or not, to write something everyday, it seems most days to fuel my creativity, but today is not that day.

I struggle with whether to publish everyday or even every other day.

I do publish often, will people get sick of me if I publish every day?

Who just said that there already sick of me?  I’ ll kick your ….promised my husband I’d stop swearing so much…you get the idea!

Oh, Mr. Wise guy in the corner who would like to see me try it, seriously I am gonna kick your ass! (Sorry, hubby was provoked.)

Where was I?

Ah..yeah.. the joys of writer’s block and wondering if I should post whenever I have material.

Gonna go for whenever I feel like it! How does that sound?