I’m getting frustrated with this writer’s block thing. It’s getting
on my nerves. I’m trying to force myself to post daily in the hopes
that something will give and I’ll suddenly find my missing voice under
some dusty, old thoughts in my head, or something, but what’s happening
is, I’m just coming here and sitting with a blank page in front of me
for hours a day and getting nowhere fast. I have had some really good
naps out of it, however, and naps are always good.
This writer’s block will break. I know it will. Maybe not today but
if I keep at it, eventually, I won’t be able to shut myself up. I
can’t wait. I love the sound of my fingers tapping on the keyboard as
fast as I can think.
One of the best things I’ve done is this post a day challenge. I haven’t posted much but forcing myself to post something helps.
What really helps is that I’m not alone in this. I’ve visited and
been visited by other’s taking this post a day challenge and it really
helps when someone comments or likes my posts. I honestly enjoy reading
the posts of other people who are also participating. Most of them are
doing better than I am at actually writing about things other than
writer’s block.
Every time I read another post by someone participating in the
challenge I feel excited for them and I think to myself, “see, they
managed to post and it’s good and the world didn’t come to
a screeching halt. Surely you can post something and everything will be
Every day that goes by, and this is day eleven, I get a little closer
to busting out of writer’s block. One of these days pretty soon, I’m
going to visit someone else’s blog and be so inspired by something that I
forget to have writer’s block anymore. I can’t wait!
Over at Mo's Blog,
Mo had the idea to start a blogroll. Genius! Why didn’t I think of
that? I’m going to put up a blogroll too. Thanks for the great idea,
I actually have a story to tell for tomorrow. I asked my youngest
daughter (23) what favorite family story I should write about. She
suggested a story from my childhood that I have told several times.
It’s a great story. Again, why didn’t I think of that?