Saturday, 24 November 2012

I Have Writer’s Block

I’ve had pretty bad writer’s block for a few days now. It feels like my brain is simply… dry. That, and I keep getting very distracted by people wanting to talk to me.
So I figure that the best way to get rid of my writer’s block is to write about how I have writer’s block. Actually,  I don’t think that’s going to help at all.
I’m trying to write critical thinking 101 type stuff for Teen Skepchick but if I detail critical thinking as much as I’d like to it would make an exceptionally long post so I’ve been trying to break it down into basic stuff (questioning things, demanding evidence, fallacies, good and bad reasons) but they keep overlaping onto each other and I’m trying not to make it all intimidatingly too long to read.
It’s really not working.
And now I don’t know what to say.
I still don’t know what to say.
Space is big.
Maybe it would go away if I started typing in another language.
Hola. Me llamo es Elles. Me gusta ciencias.
I’m thinking of going to do some math problems but I don’t think my brain can do math if it can’t write. Oh, this inability to think about explaining critical thinking is going to drive me mad. Then I can be a mad scientist!
You know, I’d like for there to be fewer mad scientists in science fiction. I wish for once, just once…
I still feel all dry. I’mma go get some sleep methinks.