In this post I will attempt to break a case of bad writers block. I
don’t know where this will go and I don’t know what I am going to write
about. Generally I write about politics and religion or something along
those lines, but now I intend on writing about what is keeping me from
writing. Oh, hang on I have to go put my clothes in the dryer.
That must be it. Life is getting in the way. Putting clothes in the
dryer, washing the dishes, cleaning the house, all of those things that
get in the way of sitting down and writing about what is going on in the
world. Not to mention the stress that goes along with everyday living.
There is this other issue that I’ve been dealing with, my health. I
went to the doctor and she basically said that I really need to exercise
so that I can stay on a regular sleep schedule. I wasn’t sleeping
enough during the week (4-6 hours per night) and I was very tired during
the day, so she put me on some vitamins and told me to exercise, and by
golly it worked! I’ve been sleeping better and staying awake at work
better ever since.
But that time period that I now spend sleeping is the time that I
would have normally spent blogging. You know how it is, 2am and you just
want to keep writing, not anymore. Now its 12am and I am tired as heck
and ready to hit the sack. I’ve got to start adjusting to my new
schedule and making things happen.
I hope this didn’t bore anyone, I probably have something to say
about current events I just don’t know how to say it. I guess that’s why
they call it writers block. I sure hope this worked.